Thursday, September 19, 2013

Where's Waldo? Thursday Clue

Today we are searching for Wenda. Can you find her?

Thursday’s Clue
We’ve seen movies, magic, animals, and more in the room with the brown door.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where's Odlaw?

Wednesday's Clue

When your tummy is hungry this is the place to know.  Don't forget to clean up before you go!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where's Waldo Tuesday Clue

Tuesday’s Clue
Michael Jackson, Lebron James, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Mrs. Obama all rest here, just look for their names!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Where's Waldo Scavenger Hunt Clue #1

Today, as of 1pm, starts our week-long Where's Waldo? scavenger hunt! Every day this week, we will be hiding a different Where's Waldo? character around the library. Pick up your scavenger hunt game piece bookmark, which has information about our program, as well as the game board on the back. Every day, we will be posting a different clue on our blog. You can also read the clues at the Junior Reference desk. Once you find Waldo, tell a Junior Department staff member. You will get a little prize each time you find him and we will stamp your bookmark. Bring your completed bookmark this Friday @ 4pm for our Where's Waldo? birthday celebration for a chance to win a raffle! And remember, when you find a Waldo character, keep it a secret so other people can find them on their own.

Here's the first clue:

Drop off books and check them out. A special card is needed here without a doubt!